Monday, November 16, 2009

Feeling (Being) Very Fat... Phat

Icky picture...
The next day, good picture...

Yuck. I hate the third trimester. But I am grateful that I have had a healthy pregnancy! "Healthy" for the baby at least. Not for me. Gaining just as much if not more weight than last time! So easy to get discouraged over 9 months of seeing the scale constantly rise.

Last doc's appointment the bleeping nurse laughed at my weight gain. She weighed me, told me I'd gained SEVEN pounds, and then laughed. I looked square at her and said, "Dont laugh at my fat-ness." She didnt know how to react. That's very mean of me I know. But I hate getting so heavy so fast!!!!! In just 18 weeks I have gained about 40 pounds. My body hurts, and it hurts to look in the mirror. So many people say I look like I'm all baby... but I'm not. You'd think I am carrying a baby in my belly AND another one in my hind-end. ACK! Can't wait to lose this stuff!
Oh and oh the joy of stretch marks. I don't have any NEW ones yet... but soon, very soon. Around this time was when I started seeing them last time. And I'm not talking 1 or 2. I'm talking hundreds all over my hips. Only 1 on my tummy... thankfully. TMI?


Anonymous said...
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Nat said...

Don't worry, definitely not tmi. I totally have SO many stupid stretchmarks- sometimes I hate them, sometimes I love them. Depends on the day! :)
I'm glad you told that nurse what was what! I can't believe she laughed at you! I probably would have started crying. So, good for you for staying strong!
I hope you know that you are seriously gorgeous- pregnant or not. :)

Brittany said...

So after leaving my comment on your family blog I checked this blog out to see if you had anything about your weight gain and pregnancy. I can't believe you're keeping up w/ your last pregnancy. In your pictures you look great though! You really look the same, just w/ a big belly, I think you look so cute :) Good thing you're so into working out, you'll lose that weight, no problem. Good luck w/ the next 28 days!

Brittany said...

Oh and btw....I have stretch marks like crazy too. You're lucky you didn't get many on your belly, mine looks like a dart board w/ stretch marks going in swirls, starting from my belly and going out, ugh. And my waist, well it sounds a lot like yours and then on my inner thighs, and the back of my knees, not fun. I only got like 2 or 3 new ones w/ my 2nd pregnancy though :)