Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Almost There!!! 13 Months Postpartum

I am officially 2.5 lbs. below my pre-pregnancy weight!!!!! Hooray!!! I have 2.5 lbs. to go until my ultimate goal.
However, I have something to say about this goal stuff. My Original Goal was to be at this weight by 5 Months Postpartum. That's a little crazy, yes, but it really helped me get motivated.
At 5 Months Postpartum, I was only 7 lbs. above prepregnancy weight. That is REDICULOUSLY awesome, seeing as I gained about 60 pounds!!! So, I lost 53 pounds in 5 months. I am so grateful!!!
It is so amazing that in just over a year, Caleb and I have gone from this...

to this!...

Obviously, HE has changed the most! :)


Lori and kids said...

I love your hair. You have done so great on your weight. You worked hard for it too. Good job! You motivate me to lose the weight! Thanks!

The Richards said...

Yeah! Awesome work! What an inspiration you are.

Jamie said...

1. Caleb is so, so stinkin' cute. Such cute almond shaped eyes.

2. You are one dedicated girl and it shows. You look so fit.

3. In regards to the photog class...I had wanted to take Nicole Hill's class for the longest time, but she lived in Utah, so I was out of luck. Fortunate for me, she moved to SF last month, so my wish was granted. Hopefully you can find something similar.

The Stratton's said...

Danielle!!! I love you! I am so glad that you found my blog! Your little boy is sooooo cute. Where are you living? How can I contact you!!?

The Mecham Family said...

Love the haircut!