Someone else in our family has gained a considerable amount of weight since a year and a half ago when I became pregnant...
No, it's not my husband, it is our 2 year old dog, Cozmo.
Cozmo's Pre-Dani-Pregnancy weight: 21 lbs. Cozmo's Post-Dani-Pregnancy weight: 26 lbs.
Weight gain: 28.5% of his original body weight!!! Poor little fat dog. So, while I lose the last little bit of my weight, which will be uneventful because those last 5 lbs. takes the longest, I have put together a new program:
Goal: Cozmo will lose 5 lbs. by New Years, which is 2 1/2 months from now
1) 5 Days a Week Cozmo will Run while we Rollerblade
1) 5 Days a Week Cozmo will Run while we Rollerblade
2) His food portions will be the same, at twice a day 1/2 a cup each, however he will be on DIET food now, and have NO scraps of people food
Wish this little fat puppy luck!